Surrogacy and Modern Family Collective Position Statements

  • Exploitation and Trafficking in Global Surrogacy

    The Surrogacy and Modern Family Collective and our associated brands do not condone exploitation or trafficking in any circumstance and are passionate about our role in eradicating exploitation and trafficking when it occurs in relation to surrogacy, assisted reproduction and modern family building.

    Wherever we witness or hear of exploitation and trafficking incidents related to the acts of surrogacy, assisted reproduction and modern family building we act to ensure that we protect the people affected by such incidents through our work and the standards we uphold in the reproductive health industry.

    Through our work we aim to both change the landscape for surrogacy and modern family building and also set the standard for surrogacy in countries for whom a low standard has

    been established through bad practice. Eradicating exploitation in surrogacy is built into our theory of change and is a fundamental goal of our work. We do not believe that this is the same as ending surrogacy altogether.





    Surrogacy in Mexico

    The Surrogacy and Modern Family Collective launched My Surrogacy Journey Mexico City in 2023. There has been a significant rise in surrogacy agencies and practices in Mexico over the last five years and unfortunately this has led to the increase in surrogacy not being properly regulated.

    Many speculations have been shared that surrogacy in Mexico is unethical. We do not agree with the notion that surrogacy in Mexico is unethical. That statement does not take into account the underlying importance that the supreme courts in Mexico have recognised the right to and access of family building as a fundamental human right.

    Our intention within Mexico City is to ensure that within a growing practice, that human rights, clinical excellence and person centered care are the standards to which all surrogacy agencies operate. We are here to offer an exemplary example of how that can be done and to ‘set the standard’ for surrogacy in Mexico.





    Zika Virus Risk and Impact


    Protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of our members is our number one priority. This position statement ensures that information on and risk management of the Zika virus in relation to our members is clear, accurate and available for anybody engaged in our work or in the work of furthering ethical surrogacy and family building globally.

    My Surrogacy Journey expanded our operation to Mexico City in 2023. Since launching our new office and
    pathway we have seen a significant rise in the number of Intended Parent(s) wishing to pursue surrogacy through our Mexico City pathway. We are aware that there have historically been Zika virus cases in the country of Mexico. It is important that we clearly communicate that at the time of writing we consider Zika virus infection risk extremely low in Mexico City and that as of July 2024 there are no known cases of Zika virus in Mexico City, nor are there any travel health notices live with the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in relation to Mexico City or Zika virus.



The future is NOW